Tuesday, May 29, 2012

30 Weeks...Fun Photoshoot

I have made it 2/3 of the way!! Overall things are going great. I'm still going in weekly to get monitored, but everything is looking good. I have my next appointment this Thursday and excited to see that everything is going well.
Yesterday was my 30 week mark and I wanted to take some pictures for memory, but I wanted to include my very good looking husband Chris:) Oh and special thanks to Janae Arnell for being our photographer haha!

Friday, May 25, 2012

One Lucky Gal

I would like to take a minute and just brag about how amazing my husband is. On Monday Chris was offered a second job and he took it...not that he isn't busy enough already! Things have been a little tight, and so he thought this job would be a good idea and would help out. Of course I became a little selfish and just thought of how much more time that would take him away from me, and didn't look at this oppurtunity as a blessing. Shame on me, I know. So here is how his passt week has gone, without complaining and a smile on his face. TUESDAY: He was up at 8 making sure he had his scriptures and an Ensign talk read and then was off to work and didn't arrive home til about a quarter to 10 that night. WEDNESDAY: Up at 6 and to work by 7 for his first job until 3, then straight to the next job until 8. After he got off work he didn't have time to come home before he headed off to help someone move and after still had time to squeeze in his Elder's Quorom President responsibilities. THURSDAY: Up again 6 and off work at about 6 that afternoon. Then he had his Presidency meetings at 6:30, a meeting with his Sunday instructors at 7:30 and then went home teaching at 8. And to top it all off he came home and made me french toast. Pretty amazing if you ask me. He is gone all day again today. I really miss him, but couldn't be more grateful for the hard working man that he is.

Monday, May 21, 2012

29 Weeks!

What a crazy and stressful last four weeks it has been! About two weeks ago Chris and I went in for our second ultra-sound to see what was causing me to be measuring big...luckily everything seemed fine and I was measuring on schedule again. The bad news was that our little girl wasn't quite measuring where she needed to be. Her abdomen was measuring about two weeks behind everything else. Our doctor was concerned that my placenta wasn't healthy and wasn't giving her the nutrients she needed causing her to lose weight. Of course this made us extremely nervous and unsure of what was going to happen. Our doctor set up an appointment for another ultra-sound with a specialist from Salt Lake and said if things hadn't changed in those two weeks, I would have to be monitored each week and would more than likely have to be induced early. This really made me upset...I knew if she came early she would have to be NICU for awhile and could be very sick, which was the las thing I wanted for our little girl.
So today my mom and I went up to the hospital to meet with the specialist(unfortunatly Chris had to work today and couldn't get it off). I was extremely anxious! We had the ultra-sound done and the specialist looked over all the measurements. We were extremely excited to find out that everything looked great! She had caught up on all her measurements and looked healthier than ever. He said she could have just caught up or that the measurements two weeks before were just a mistake. I felt so blessed that everything had turned out okay. She was weighing in at about 2 lbs 14 oz, which is great for this point in the pregnancy. I can't believe she is almost 3 lbs!! I couldn't be happier or more relieved to know that she healthy. Only 11 more weeks til we get to meet her and I'm so excited!

Her little arm and foot:)